Those who need Thuja occidentalis struggle with self-confidence: they feel worthless and unattractive, and believe that nobody would love them if they knew what they were really like. As a result, they become desperate to ‘fit in’ and hide behind a manufactured persona to present to others as a cover for their perceived shortcomings.

Those who need Thuja occidentalis may either crave, dislike, or be affected by onions, and sometimes, garlic. They also desire tea, are affected by cold, wet weather, and discharges (pus, mucus) will be yellow-green or green. The urogenital and skin are the most often affected areas of the body but symptoms in general tend to be worse on the left side. Other distinctive symptoms include pains being felt in “small spots” and chronic complaints improving during head colds.

Thuja occidentalis (Thuj.)

Mental-Emotional Symptoms

  • Low self-esteem with feelings of unattractiveness and worthlessness.

  • Feel that nobody would love them if they really knew them.

  • Secretive – try to hide the things they think others won’t like about them.

  • Fixed ideas and delusions: something is alive in their abdomen, that they are pregnant, or that they are brittle as if made of glass and could easily break.

  • Mumbling the last words of sentences.

Head and Face

  • Left sided headaches in the temple or forehead that feel like a nail.

  • Eyebrows thin ore disappear from the outside, in.

  • Warts or tumors on the face or eyelids.


  • Sensation as if something is alive and moving.


  • Skin tags. Tumours. Growths.

  • Keloid scars.

  • Oily skin. Oily and sweet-smelling, or offensive perspiration.

  • Problems with nails.


  • Forked stream of urine (especially in men).

  • Warts or herpes.


  • Tumours, cysts, fibroids.


  • On the left side. Dreams of falling.

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