Ignatia Amara (Ign.) prepared from the poisonous fruit of a tree native to the Philippines and parts of China. The remedy is no longer toxic when prepared in homeopathic potencies. Those needing Ignatia tend to be idealistic and strongly affected by sudden disappointment or grief. Symptoms arise from a conflict between feelings and reality and may result in hysteria. They are easily offended and have changeable or volatile emotions. Disappointments lead to bitterness, recriminations or emotional hardness. Heightened emotions lead to sighing and the sensation of a lump in the throat. Paradoxical symptoms occur such as nausea better for eating a heavy meal, or throat pain better for swallowing rough or hard food. There is an aversion to tobacco smoke, and tics, twitches, hiccoughs, or spasmodic movements are common. Perspiration is only on the face.

Ignatia Amara (Ign.) - St Ignatius bean; Aguwasun; Igasud.


  • Changeable, unpredictable, hysterical, easily offended.

  • Laughing then weeping in the same sentence.

  • Weeping in sobs, away from company.


  • Sighing with grief or disappointment

  • Sensation of a lump in the throat

  • Ailments following grief – eg. Numbness, paralysis, twitches, missed periods, hair loss.


  • From grief or sudden disappointment


  • From grief, disappointment, or heightened emotion.

  • As if a nail driven into head.

Hair Loss

  • Following grief


  • Hysterical” cough from heightened emotions.


  • Inability to sleep, or excessive sleep, following grief or disappointment.

For Pets

  • Grief from early weaning, or the loss of a companion or offspring.

  • Onset of complaints since grief.

  • Refusal to come. Act as if offended or insulted.

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