General Information
Cantharis Vesicatoria (Canth.) is prepared from an iridescent green beetle which contains cantharidin, a toxic blistering agent which, in small amounts, has also been used as an aphrodisiac. Be warned though, deaths have occurred from its use. In safe homeopathic potencies, however, it is a remedy for inflammation of the mucous or serous membrane, mainly those of the urinary tract, but the respiratory or gastrointestinal membranes may also be affected. Symptoms emerge rapidly. Inflammations produce intense cutting or burning pains and membranes blister or ulcerate. Bright lights or reflective surfaces such as mirrors irritate, and coffee worsens the symptoms. Cantharis vesicatoria (Canth.) has also been used for types of mania.
Urogenital Organs
- intense bladder or urethral inflammation (cystitis or urethritis).
- Violent burning pain in the bladder with constant and intense urging.
- Urine passes in drops and feels like scalding water.
- Cystitis with free blood or large clots in the urine.
- Increased sexual desire during inflammation of the bladder or urethra
- Excessive sexual desire that can’t be satisfied.
Gastrointestinal (Digestive) Symptoms
- Burning thirst with an aversion to drinking.
- Burning and bloodstained diarrhoea, especially if accompanied by bladder inflammation.
- Burning gastritis or peritonitis.
Skin Problems
- Skin burns with intense pain.
- Burning and itching blisters.
Mental-emotional Symptoms
- Anger and irritability from intense burning or cutting pains.
- Violent behaviour from burning and cutting pains.
- Historically, Cantharis has been used to treat intense states of violent mania.
- Bladder inflammation combined with meningitis / encephalitis which results in mania.
For Pets
- Cystitis with pain and urging.
- Burns and scalds.